Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Teens Learning Real-life Computer Skills

Most teenagers know how to use a computer to Google, play video games or see the latest post on Facebook. Most teenagers do not realize that computers are able to help them maintain records and even do their math calculations for them. There are several ways teenagers could use spreadsheets to help in their everyday life. Teenagers that are saving money can have the spreadsheet maintain the balance of their savings. When they receive money from a birthday, Christmas or doing a chore only the new amount would need to be added. The spreadsheet would add the new amount and list the new amount saved. Another way teenagers could use spreadsheets is to keep track of their school grades. The student would only need to set up a formula to compute their grade average. Then just input each new test grade and let the spreadsheet list the new grade average. Another way to use spreadsheets is to keep track of the final scores of their favorite video game. After each game just input the new final score and let the spreadsheet compute their new high score.

picture courtesy of http://i.investopedia.com/u53131/short-term_saving.jpg


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